The best lunch boxes and water bottles

stack of lunchboxes
Editorial Team

Make on-the-go eating easier with our finest containers and accessories

If you’ve been inspired to take your first steps into climate action and lead a more sustainable lifestyle in the New Year, why not start with your lunch box?

In just 12 months, plastic production can have as much impact on the world’s climate as the output of 189 power stations, making ditching single-use plastic a worthwhile goal. Having to give your meals abit more throught will also help you to pack in brain-enhancing nutrients while scrapping excess sugar, salt and fat from your meals.

Stylish water bottles will keep your drinks cool for up to 24 hours – and hot for up to 12 – while microwave-safe lunch boxes and vacuum-sealed food bowls mean you can enjoy a hot pre-made soup or meal whenever you’re ready.

Below, you’ll find a round-up of some of our reusable lunch box favourites. Not only do they reduce single-use plastic, they look great too. 

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